Hi, My Name is Georgia Pavlopoulou.
PhD in Developmental Psychology and Mental Health
Neurodiversity mental health trainer
Neurodevelopmental and educational consultant
Award winning Associate Professor at UCL​
Academic researcher, see my publications here
Lead Editor of a new book coproduced with autistic people on autistic mental health, agency and coproduction of care for Routledge. Orders available from here
Everything I work towards is focused on bringing sustainable and positive change with and for neurodivergent people and those who work with them in educational and clinical settings. In my honorary contract with Anna Freud in particular, I work with my teams to close the gap in professionals' skills and attitudes so that they can improve service culture and elevate their practice with diagnosed and undiagnosed autistic people.
Contact me if you are interested in
-Consultancy around the world, private/NHS/3rd sector mental health training material.
-Relational pluralistic psychotherapy
-Educational and neurodevelopmental consultancy with a multidisciplinary team of bespoke professionals.
- Research consultancy on creative and participatory research projects including lifeworld methods, ethnography, storytelling, photo-elicitation, Photovoice methods.
If I'm too busy or fully booked I may be able to suggest other suitable neurodivergent consultants or therapists.